Pacific Masters 2024 Swimmer Age Group Standings

as of July 26, 2024


Jump to the Gender and Age Group of interest:


Based on rules described on the Pacific Masters Swimmers of the Year Rankings page.

Questions, corrections, comments? Please email

This page displays Age Group Standings for Pacific Masters swimmers. These standings are determined by awarding swimmers points for:

The detailed rules can be found here, and a nice description of how the Age Group Standings work can be found here.

This page will be updated periodically. Date of the last update is at the top of the page.

A swimmer will earn points in two different age groups if he or she ages up during the covered seasons. Beginning in 2018, if a swimmer ages up during the covered seasons, we will merge in points from the prior age group. See rules page for details.

To be eligible for our end-of-year age group awards, you must have participated in three Pacific Masters sanctioned competitions during the seasons covered by these standings.

Points are fluid and will change throughout the season as more swimmers compete in an event. They may also change as errors are uncovered.

For questions, or to report errors, please click here.


Place Name Points


F:85-89      (3 total swimmers.)



M:90-94      (1 total swimmers.)



(Fri Jul 26 2024 - 01:03:16 AM EDT) x

